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Philips DVP3310

7 user region code comments

March 15, 2015 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by FlickBoy, May 04 2009:

I bought this player with the serial number KX1A09043..... in Denmark. After trying every procedure known to mankind (ok, known to the web) and ready to give up, the hack originally made public for the Philips DVP3148 worked:

WITH THE TRAY OPEN (I don't know if that is necessary, but just what I did) PUNCH IN 9, 8, 7, 9 FOLLOWED BY THE DESIRED REGION CODE ("0" FOR ALL REGIONS).

PostRegion code hack posted by Tommie75, September 10 2009:

Hack from FlickBoy worked perfectly (on the first try) on my Philips DVP 3310/12 bought in the Netherlands recently.

PostRegion code hack posted by atikah1976, December 03 2009:

I've just bought a DVD player Philips DVP3310K/9 and I applied the hack code posted by FlickBoy and it worked!

PostRegion code hack posted by Julesey, April 09 2010:

I have a DVP3310/05 bought in the UK, and Flick's hack only works if one uses the same procedure but input the code 99990 instead of 98790.

You know if it has worked because a message confirming the region has changed to region 0 flashes up in the top right hand corner of the picture before one has time to hit the OK button.

Strangely although my manual states the unit will play regions 2 & 5 it played a region 4 OK before the hack, which threw me until I tried a region 1 and met with failure!

PostRegion code hack posted by barnabas284, May 20 2010:

I recently bought an American DVD and tried to play on my Philips DVP3310 (dvd player) no luck! 'Incorrect Region' came up. I tapped in 9879 using the handset with no result. I reread your recent posting and realized I needed to add the regional code. I tried 98790 (zero being all regions) EURIKA My thanks to all those who have passed on this info...

PostRegion code hack posted by scallywag70, July 20 2010:

Just used FlickBoy's procedure on a player purchased in Australia (Region 4) - worked perfectly and will now play all regions - many thanks :-)

PostRegion code posted by calamityjane88, March 15 2015:

I have tried the region code on my Philips dvd player as posted by flick boy but it didn't work. What do I have to press on the menu to type the code in. Any help.

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