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Philips DVDR725H

4 user region code comments

June 10, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by cybermagic, November 21 2004:


I just tried the follwing DVDR-80 hack using the RC6 4 235 code and "121 212 005 255" - and it worked ;-)As the 725H has no option to swith the remote mode from "DVD recorder" to "DVD player", I simply skipped this step.

I don't know if you really need the RC6 code, maybe just the other code is enough? As my recorder is regionfree now - I really don't want to do any further tests regarding this.
Here is the original DVDR-80 hack:


Region code hack posted by roman.n, July 22 2003:
because the DVDR80 use the same hardware as DVDR75 the codes are the same:


switch on the machine with no disc

Set your remote to
"DVD player" instead of "DVD recorder",

Press PLAY 159

at this point - - - - - digits will appear on the DVD player, type in:

121 212 005 001 and press play (for RC1)
121 212 005 002 and press play (for RC2)
121 212 005 003 and press play (for RC3)
121 212 005 004 and press play (for RC4)
121 212 005 005 and press play (for RC5)

(Note: You can only change 25 times the code!)


to make it RC free you must send a RC6 command: RC6 4 235
at this point - - - - - digits will appear on the DVD player, type in:

121 212 005 255
now it's RC free

PostRegion code hack posted by katie, March 04 2005:

Just bought a machine and this works!

1. Turn on machine without a disc
2. Press Disc Menu
3. Press "Play" "1" "5" "9"

You will see a display of dashes on the players LED display

4. Type 12 12 12 005 001 (the last 3 digits won't show when you type them)

5. Press "Play"

Player will say no disk. Insert a region 1 disk and it will work.

supposedly, the last digit is the if you want zone 2 the last digit would be "2" and so on.

PostRegion code hack posted by paicolman, May 02 2005:

I just tried the hack mentioned here by katie and it works also for region-free setting, no need to use a RC6 remote for it. Just follow the instructions:

1. Turn machine on without disc
2. Press "Disc Menu"
3. Press PLAY, 1, 5, 9
4. type 12 12 12 005 255
5. Press PLAY

Player will say "no disc" as expected. Insert any disc, it should work (it works for regions 1,2 and 4, I have no other discs, but I assume it will play all)

PostRegion code hack posted by Adam Cook, June 10 2005:

I'm confirming you don't need a special remote to make this device (and the HDRW 720 80GB) region free. The supplied remote works just fine:

You don't need to power down the player, just don't put a disc in, cause you have to press Play and that'll make the disc play (duh)

Disc Menu
1 5 9

[ Display says: -- -- -- -- -- -- ]

12 12 12 005 255

This will make it region free. Tested with r1, r2 and r0 discs.

If you don't want to make it region free but just switch your region:

121 212 005 001 for region 1
121 212 005 002 for region 2

and so on. 000 results in that no region works anymore, so don't do that.

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