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Hitachi DVP335E

5 user region code comments

April 26, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Gintaras, January 26 2004:

This hack working (but Firmware 1.12V).I try it and Region is 0.

to Verify the Firmware Version
1. After making sure that no disc is in unit, turn the
power on.
2. Press [1], [2], [3], [4], and [DISPLAY] buttons on the
remote control unit in that order. The B/E version
appears on the VFD, and the F/E and B/E versions
appear on TV screen.
3. Turn the power off to reset the unit.

PostRegion code hack posted by Damianiw, January 26 2004:


Ok Thanks to bignik I've got this to work!

Firstly you only need the smaller of the two files the other is simply used for padding!

Burned on a CDR not RW with nero as a Mode 1 ISO without Joliet at 4x with Disc At Once and Finalise (No Multisession)

took about 10 - 15 mins in total and after tray has ejected had to mains power off, using the display firmware now shows R0 !

My next question is the player never played VCD before does it now ??? I ask because on the display check there is an LED for VCD !!

Never Satisfied eh!

Brilliant though I can now watch my R1 dvd's :-)

PostRegion code hack posted by ZedBee, January 30 2004:

Will this hack work with formware V1.27?

If I go aheaad and try it it there any way to get it back to original if there are any problems?

PostRegion code hack posted by xtrac, February 02 2004:

Do you burn the required CD as an audio or data format, or does it make no difference? Forgive my ignorance, I am simply a user not a computer boffin!

PostRegion code hack posted by David, April 26 2004:

System was showing version 1.270

Did as per above - cut CD using Mode 1 ISO ( That is a data format ).

Took a few minutes but now plays region 1 and 2 DVDs

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