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Marantz DV-4300

2 user region code comments

June 26, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Gunsmoke, February 05 2003:


* All operation can be done with the RC included in the box.

A. To check the current region setting

1. Open the tray
2. Press [SETUP]
3. Press [SHUFFLE]
4. Press [PAUSE/STEP]
5. Press [NEXT]

The service menu will appear on the screen

6. Select DEBUG with Up/Dn key

The current region can be seen.

7. Power off to finish the service mode

B. To set the region

1. Open the tray
2. Press [SETUP]
3. Press [x] (1 - 6 for each region, 9 for all)
4. Press [1111]
5. Press [PAUSE/STEP]
6. Press [SHUFFLE]
7. Press [NEXT]

That's all!

PostRegion code hack posted by Rodolfo, June 26 2003:

Just a question for Gunsmoke or to anyone that can answer it... What region was your DV 4300 playing? Did you buy it in the US? I live in Mexico and need to have it play region 4 DVD's... would this hack work if I'm buying it in the US (so it will play only region 1)?? Thanks My e-mail is

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